⭐️⭐️⭐️ While messy and at times choppy with overstuffed stylistic devices that at times will make you cringe while other ones certainly impress, Adam McKay's "Vice" is a step up [...]
⭐️⭐️⭐️ While messy and at times choppy with overstuffed stylistic devices that at times will make you cringe while other ones certainly impress, Adam McKay's "Vice" is a step up [...]
by Ben Rothrock There are moments in life that are hard to look past. Some people suffer through events so traumatic that the mere memory of it can haunt them [...]
⭐️⭐️1/2 WARNING: Possible Spoilers Ahead! Fantasy has always been one of the most popular genres for storytellers to work in, and audiences to experience. The advantage to fantasy is that [...]
With the DCEU currently undergoing a massive change in their approach to their greater Cinematic universe after the critical and financial disaster that was Justice League, one film that was [...]
Do you like High School Musical or La La Land, but wish they had more… zombies? If you answered yes, then boy do I have the perfect movie for you. [...]
By exploring the cross between celebrity, school shootings, terrorism and pop music, "Vox Lux" is perhaps one of the most bold, often formally daring films of the year that certainly [...]
Reviewed by Michael Powell Family. It is the focus of the starring roles of Clint Eastwood in his post-Mystic River career resurgence. Whether he is directing himself (Million Dollar Baby, [...]
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ by Ben Rothrock With the rise of live action superhero movies, we often forget the true nature of characters’ comic book origins. We associate our favorite heroes with a [...]
Acclaimed director Yorgos Lanthimos blends a mix of delirious humor with his usual approach of bleakness and despair in this unique period piece that is filed with skillful direction, astonishing [...]
Depicting a year in the life of a high-class family in 1970’s Mexico told from the perspective of their housemaid, Roma plays like a love letter to the women who [...]