Crossing follows Lia, a retired history teacher from the country of Georgia, who is searching for her recently deceased sister’s trans daughter...
Crossing follows Lia, a retired history teacher from the country of Georgia, who is searching for her recently deceased sister’s trans daughter...
M. Night Shyamalan's run of independently-funded thrillers over the past nine years has given the filmmaker a much-needed shot in the arm to his once-flailing career. After a string of [...]
The Beast Within is a technically pleasing dark fable that is sorely missing engaging storytelling prowess.
In the years since the release of 2018's Deadpool 2, the filmmaking landscape, and pop culture as a whole, has drastically shifted for the Superhero genre. The corporate merger between [...]
There's a framed story in Hollywood regarding the original pitch to Aliens, the sequel to Ridley Scott's Alien. Reportedly, James Cameron came into a room with studio execs, went up [...]
Fly Me to the Moon, from director Greg Berlanti, is a fantasy concoction of commentary and conspiracy, with heaping helping of romantic comedy, in a creation that fails to fully ignite.
Damian McCarthy's sophomore feature, Oddity, unconventionally explores classic themes, delivering a chilling story with plenty of quality scares.
The highly-anticipated Longlegs may not quite be what audiences expected, but it is one of the creepiest and most technically sound horror films in recent memory.
W hat a remarkable year 1999 was. It was in a period long before streaming services, and virtually everyone went to the movies and the box-office wasn't in draught. It [...]
Thelma, the new film from director Josh Margolin, is a rumination on what it means to have aged, and the comedy-as well as the sorrow-found within that experience.